
My name is Santiago R. Lopez. I'm a 6th grader in Jennifer's class. I will be the narrator of these stories. My Winter break homework was to compare and contrast the great civilizations of the Aztecs and the Mayans to the Vikings. We've been studying the Vikings at school, but for Winter break I am at my other home in San Miguel de Allende Mexico.
That is why I want to look closer at the Aztec and Mayan culture.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Heroes of Myth

The greatest Viking hero was Thor. He was the oldest son of Frigg and Odin. Thor had red hair and a beard, and acted first before thinking. That's why he got in a lot of trouble. He would fly across the sky in a chariot pulled by two giant goats. Men loved the god Thor because he gave them good crops. When people saw lightning, it meant he was battling giants and hunting trolls. He carried a hammer, and his belt increased his strength. He would throw his fiery hammer, and it would boomerang back to him. He lived in a castle with 540 rooms. His wife Sif had long hair of pure gold, and she was the goddess of the corn field. Thor ate a lot and could eat a whole ox and drink three barrels of mead (beer) at one time.

Thor the avenger superhero

Norse Thor in his charriot

Huitzilopochtil, pronounced: (Weetz-ee-loh-posht-lee)

Huitzilopochtil was one of the most important Aztec gods. He led the people from Aztlan to Central Mexico. He appeared in dreams too priests and told them to live on an island in the middle of a lake where they would see an eagle on a cactus. He was born on snake hill. He is shown with a dark face, fully armed, and holding a snake shaped scepter and a mirror. Hummingbird feathers covered his body along with cloth and jewels.

Here he is with his snake scepter

Chac is a reptilian god with fangs and a droopy snout. His hair is knotted, and he is important for harvests and growing. Chac sends rain into the world by weeping from his huge kind eyes. He is also the god of lightning, but his lightning looks like a serpent. He once broke open a rock that held the original Maize. He wears a shell necklace and carries a lightning axe.

Here is he is dancing for rain.

Both Thor and Chac had a lightning weapon in common. They were similar because like Thor, Chac helped the crops, and this made the people happy. Unlike Thor, Chac's lightning took form of a serpent, and differed from the thunder of Norse myths. Unlike Thor who had red hair and a beard, Chac had fangs and a snout. The Aztec god contrary to Chac had a dark face and hummingbird feathers, but they both carried an object related to snakes.

In my opinion, the coolest god is Thor from the Vikings, because he is one of the avengers. Thor the only god of these three that rode on a chariot. Also the fact that he could be Greek. I even like that he has a beard.  

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