
My name is Santiago R. Lopez. I'm a 6th grader in Jennifer's class. I will be the narrator of these stories. My Winter break homework was to compare and contrast the great civilizations of the Aztecs and the Mayans to the Vikings. We've been studying the Vikings at school, but for Winter break I am at my other home in San Miguel de Allende Mexico.
That is why I want to look closer at the Aztec and Mayan culture.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Here is an ancient picture of a Viking ship
Today lets talk about how these people use transportation. Vikings in their home village would walk. If they wanted to travel far, they would sail in longships. They used their ships like we use cars. They had a ship called a Knarr that was like a moving van to transport supplies, animals, furniture, etc. Another boat called the Drakkar was a warship. For local travel for one to six people they used a Faering.

This is an image of an Aztec canoe

The Aztecs got around in canoes through canals, because their main city was an island. The canoes of the Aztecs were much smaller than the Vikings', and could only hold five people. Viking ships were so big, people could sleep on deck. Aztecs did not have wheels for transportation, so they had to walk. They didn't use horses or other animals. The would hire human bearers to carry heavy loads on their backs. The Vikings sometimes used packhorses, but not often as the were masters of the sea. Mayans traveled on foot or donkey. Mayans who lived on the coast used canoes, just like the Aztecs.

These are Mayans in a canoe with wild parrots. The two canoes are heading for a Spanish ship.

In my opinion, the Vikings had the best transportation, 'cause their ships had plenty of room, and were bigger and sturdier to travel far.

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